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Distance learning in Turkey

There is no specific definition for distance learning, it is a general description that differs from its previous definition. It now refers to online education, which utilizes the internet.

Distance learning In Turkey

Distance Learning Has Widely Spread Recently, Have You Tried It?

There is no specific definition for distance learning, it is a general description that differs from its previous definition. It now refers to online education, which utilizes the internet. 

This marks the first evidence of the importance of using the internet instead of engaging in negative activities such as wasting time watching movies, series, and playing games. 

This transformation turns negative usage into a productive investment of time. With notable technological advancements, modern educational methods have been developed, such as distance learning, which has increased the number of learners across various fields worldwide.

The Emergence of Distance Learning:

Distance learning began several years ago, initially limited to European universities. It involved sending educational programs to students via mail, including physical and audio books. However, distance learning during that time was neither successful nor convenient because it required students to physically attend the university for final exams to complete the curriculum, which was not feasible for all students. As a result, under those circumstances, distance learning did not yield the desired success.

Mechanisms of Distance Learning:

With the evolution of the information revolution, online platforms and websites have emerged as means for students to rely on in distance learning. However, the methods differ based on the student’s choice of specialization for online studies. Some of these methods include:

  • Integration between teacher lectures and the execution of educational activities and exercises, known as hybrid learning. This interaction between teacher and student improves the learning process and allows for a balance between live lectures and internet utilization.
  • Another method, more widespread in distance learning, involves the use of internet-based education systems for communication between teachers and students. It includes correspondence through email, discussion sessions on the curriculum, and electronic files, resulting in enhanced interaction between teachers and students. This method is fully supervised by combining modern technologies and educational resources to create a comprehensive learning environment.

Are There Different Types of Distance Learning?

Yes, distance learning can be categorized into two primary types: synchronous learning and asynchronous learning. Various forms of online education fall under these two types:

  • The first type of distance learning is synchronous learning, which refers to real-time education delivered to students simultaneously. It requires direct live communication between students and teachers, utilizing a technology called live video conferencing. One drawback of this type is its inflexibility, as it relies on pre-arranged schedules that all students must adhere to, disregarding individual variations in learning speed.
  • The second type of distance learning is asynchronous learning, characterized by predetermined but flexible schedules. It allows students to learn at their own pace, making it beneficial for both students and teachers. Online education achieves the flexibility that distance learning requires.

Within these two types, there are various forms and combinations of distance learning methods, including:

  • Video conferences
  • Self-paced training courses without specific deadlines
  • Time-limited training courses

First, let’s familiarize ourselves with distance learning using video conferences. These are meetings where multiple individuals connect via video and communicate over the internet. Some software and platforms that facilitate this include Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, Skype, Google Hangouts, and Clickmeeting. With the availability of this feature, the interaction between students and teachers has become more convenient, enabling simultaneous meetings regardless of geographic distance. Video conferences play a vital role in distance learning.

Secondly, Undated Training Courses are one of the methods of distance learning and are considered one of the most popular asynchronous learning methods. They provide students with the freedom to learn within a specified timeframe set by them. Undated Training Courses have played a significant role in self-education, as this type of education does not require a specific timeframe imposed on the student. What distinguishes self-education from other types is that it is driven by the individual’s willingness to invest their time and skills through online study.

Thirdly, Scheduled Training Courses are a form of synchronous distance learning where students enter the website at specific times and are obligated to complete certain academic tasks before the predetermined deadline, as specified and committed to by the student. These tasks include discussions and conversations conducted within the specified timeframe to assess the student’s speed and ability to achieve the desired outcomes.

Did the COVID-19 pandemic have any positive aspects? During the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its worldwide spread, one positive aspect emerged: the global awareness and realization of distance learning. Most countries around the world implemented distance learning methods to mitigate the damages of this crisis.

Remote learning platforms have brought about a radical change in providing educational services because the disruption of the educational process for two years is considered a devastating factor for the global education system. However, the concept of remote learning helped address the educational crisis that the world was facing even before the emergence of this pandemic.

The wise use of technology prioritized transforming this crisis into a driving force for improving the education system. Countries needed to invest in advanced educational programs to compensate for the losses that affected the educational process. This highlighted the role of distance learning in achieving educational recovery globally.

The effective utilization of technology in providing remote learning platforms became one of the world’s key strategies for mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education and school closures. Even after the return to school, remote learning continued to play a crucial role in various areas, utilizing the time wasted due to the crisis. It provided students with the opportunity for continuous compensatory education through remote learning platforms.

How did online learning highlight the importance of distance learning?

Online learning serves as a motivating factor against geographical barriers and the distance between students and the educational institutions they desire. The flexibility of distance learning contributed to raising the standards of education worldwide. It saves the effort and money required for studying outside one’s local area. It teaches students how to utilize and manage their time effectively. It provides multiple opportunities and fields simultaneously. Notably, online learning enriches personal skills, such as developing the most suitable educational plan for the student, without the need for external imposition or guidance.

Furthermore, the role of technological advancements and leveraging modern techniques in enhancing the educational level was emphasized. This led to the existence of remote learning platforms.

To cater to a larger audience interested in online learning, these platforms were divided into two languages: Arabic and English.

Online learning platforms in English include:




Khan Academy

MIT Office of Digital Learning




Open Culture

Google Developer Training

Big Think


Online learning platforms in Arabic include:



Shamsuna Alarabia

Freelance Academy


Online learning was not limited to remote learning platforms; universities also played a significant role in remote education. Distance learning universities can be categorized as Arabic and international distance learning universities.

Here’s the corrected title:

“Arabic Distance Learning Universities, such as:

Global Distance Learning Universities, such as:

Why is Distance Learning Better in Turkey?

The system of distance learning in Turkey raises questions among students, especially with recent technological advancements. The preference for distance learning in Turkey, particularly at Istanbul University, arises from students’ desire to obtain a university degree in addition to their current qualifications. Distance-learning universities like Istanbul University have provided opportunities for enrollment in online study programs without the need for entrance exams. This has led to increased interest among students. Despite being a relatively new program, Istanbul University’s distance learning program has attracted over 40,000 students. The requirement to join the online study program in Turkey is that students must be graduates or registered at any Turkish university.

Recently, many universities in Turkey have introduced distance learning programs. Turkey now hosts more than 20 universities supporting online education systems, including Middle East Technical University, Bosphorus University, Işık University, Aydın University, and Altınbaş University, among others.

As clarified, Turkey is one of the leading countries with a significant presence of distance learning universities. You can now pursue distance education through Alemni Shokran, which offers online study opportunities in Turkey.

Advantages of Online Study or Distance Learning:

The following are some characteristics that distinguish distance learning from traditional education (schools and universities) and give it an advantage:

  1. Reduced financial costs: One of the most prominent advantages of online study is the elimination of expenses for textbooks, commuting, and additional accommodation. These factors enable students to save money that can be utilized more effectively through online study.
  2. Parental involvement in the curriculum: Distance learning has allowed parents to participate in their children’s education by providing access to educational materials and teaching methods, giving them an active role.
  3. Enhancing hobbies and selecting specializations: One of the common problems faced by students in Arab countries, in particular, is the rigidity of the education system. Distance learning has tackled this issue by giving priority to the choice of specialization, allowing students to study their preferred subjects rather than being limited by their grades.
  4. Time management: Online study has helped solve the problem of balancing tasks within a limited time. The different types of distance learning, whether hybrid, synchronous, or asynchronous, have specified time frames, either short-term or long-term. By choosing their specialization and the type of online study, students commit themselves to following a schedule that ensures the desired benefits. Consequently, time management through distance learning plays a significant role in promoting self-discipline and fostering self-reliance among students.
  5. Continuous information updates and ease of access: Easy access to information and its constant updating are among the major advantages of online study.

Benefits of Distance Learning:

The benefits of distance learning include motivating factors that make it indispensable, such as:

  1. Easy access to information: When choosing online study, access to information can be through dedicated websites for your school, university, or the desired university to pursue a specific major, or through various online learning platforms.
  2. Catering to a diverse student population: Distance learning has particularly benefited older students who faced difficulties enrolling in educational institutions. It has opened doors for students of all ages.
  3. Flexibility: Flexibility is a crucial advantage of distance learning, allowing students to choose the appropriate study load within their designated time as well as the location.
  4. Assisting a significant student demographic: Distance learning has provided an appropriate educational program for students experiencing personal disturbances due to factors outside their safe environment. It allows them to pursue a suitable educational program without leaving their preferred setting.
  5. Accommodating different learning speeds: An advantage of online study is its suitability for students with varying learning paces, catering to all rhythms of learning.
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