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Qatar Fair

The "Edros" exhibition is one of the most prominent educational events in Qatar and the entire region.

Edros exhibition in Qatar

Name of exhibition: Edros

Date of exhibition: 17 to 18 March

Number of visitors: +500

The “Edros” exhibition is one of the most prominent educational events in Qatar and the entire region. This exhibition offers an exceptional platform for participants to explore recent innovations and trends in the field of education.

With the participation of Alemni Shokran company, the exhibition featured a variety of sessions, workshops, and educational performances aimed at promoting education and improving the future educational environment.

The “Edros” exhibition was very popular with visitors, with hundreds of visitors from different categories, including teachers, academics, students, and parents. Everyone was able to interact with our advisers during a variety of presentations, consultations, and educational activities.

Eminent and important figures in the fields of education and research participated in the exhibition, adding considerable value to the event. In addition, Alemni Shokran company participated in the exhibition and provided numerous educational consultations on Turkish universities for about 500 students during the exhibition days.

This participation is part of the ongoing efforts to promote education, provide innovative solutions in this area, and effectively guide students and parents about educational opportunities at Turkish universities of excellence.