Studying Psychology major in Turkey is considered a high-quality educational experience accredited globally, falling under the Faculty of Education.
Studying Psychology major in Turkey is considered a high-quality educational experience accredited globally, falling under the Faculty of Education.
Psychology major focuses on studying human behavior scientifically, understanding and interpreting it to predict future outcomes and prevent complications.
Moreover, various fields of psychology study human personality, thinking processes, and delve into the depths of the mind to identify and solve psychological problems and disorders.
In essence, psychology major empowers individuals with scientific comprehension of diverse human behaviors, enabling their discovery and anticipation based on scientific methods and principles.
Key Traits for Aspiring Psychology Specialists:
– A penchant for listening and empathizing with others to understand their issues.
– Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
– Proficiency in analysis and deduction.
– Emotional self-regulation.
– Philanthropy.
– Humanitarianism.
– Empathy toward human conditions.
– Dealing with risks.
– Love for reading and research.
– Data interpretation skills.
– Humility.
– Persuasion skills.
Advantages of Choosing Turkey for Psychology Studies:
– Completing psychology education in Turkey qualifies you to work both within and outside the country in various healthcare facilities, whether under private supervision or the public health system.
– Psychology education in Turkey aligns with European and American diagnostic systems, making it on par with psychology programs in EU or US universities.
– Graduates obtain the Blue Diploma upon completion, equivalent to a psychology degree in the European Union.
– Universities offer psychology programs in both Turkish and English.
Duration of Psychology Studies in Turkey:
– Bachelor’s degree typically takes 4 years, divided into 8 semesters.
– Master’s degree ranges from 2 to 3 years.
– Doctoral degree in psychology takes approximately 4 years.
Potential Careers after Graduating in Psychology:
– Public and private schools.
– Hospitals.
– Psychological health institutions.
– Social service centers.
– Research positions.
Universities Offering Psychology Studies in Turkey and Estimated Annual Costs:
– Uskudar University: Approximately $5059 per year.
– Bahçeşehir University: Approximately $8200 per year.
– Medipol University: Approximately $5200 per year.
– Altinbaş University: Approximately $4500 per year.
– Okan University: Approximately $4500 per year.
Top Universities for English-Taught Psychology Master’s Degree in Turkey and Estimated Costs:
– Kadir Has University: Approximately $15000 per year.
– Aydın University
Ph.D. Opportunities in English-Taught Psychology Programs in Turkey and Estimated Costs:
– Atlas University: Approximately $9405 per year.
– Uskudar University: Approximately $17,315 per year.
Average Costs for Turkish public Universities:
– English-taught programs range from $250 to $2000 per year.
– Turkish-taught programs range from $120 to $1500 per year.
Average Costs for Private Turkish Universities:
– Range from $4000 to $11,000 per year.
You can get a 70% discount on Turkish university education through the Alemni Shokran platform by registering.
Available Opportunities for Bachelor’s Degree:
– Psychological counseling.
– Vocational guidance.
– Academic advising.
– University professorship.
– Working in public hospitals.
– Working in psychological clinics.
– Working in social service centers.
Opportunities after Master’s Degree:
– Psychological counseling.
– Vocational guidance.
– Academic advising.
– University professorship.
– Working in public hospitals.
– Working in psychological clinics.
– Social counseling in schools and universities.
– Private practice.
– Working in social service centers.
Ph.D. Opportunities:
A Ph.D. in psychology provides comprehensive research training that prepares graduates for academic, research, and clinical roles.
Ph.D. in psychology programs, usually offered by public and private research universities, provide rigorous research training designed to prepare graduates for work in academic and research settings, or to practice as licensed clinical psychologists.
These programs cover various aspects of psychology, including perception, cognition, neuroscience, and behavior.
While psychology Ph.D. programs tend to focus more on research than their Psy.D. counterparts, Ph.D. programs can also prepare students for licensure in applied psychology and meet the minimum educational requirements in most states.
Students take courses in a variety of qualitative and quantitative research theories and methodologies and conduct independent research under the guidance of faculty mentors.
Opportunities after Ph.D.:
Graduates will be prepared to work either in academia or in the field, conducting research on a variety of topics and subjects to uncover the intricacies of our simplest human functions and behaviors. Alternatively, they may become licensed clinical psychologists, assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients, often in a hospital or school setting.
Required Documents for Turkish Scholarships:
– A copy of your passport.
– A passport-sized photo.
– High school certificate, translated into Turkish or English.
Get a 70% discount when registering with Alemni Shokran for Turkish scholarships.