Special education is an academic discipline that focuses on educating individuals with special needs, providing necessary services and support to improve their quality of life.
Special Education major
Special education is an academic discipline that focuses on educating individuals with special needs, providing necessary services and support to improve their quality of life.
Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education in Turkey
A bachelor’s degree in special education in Turkish universities typically takes four years. During this period, you will study a range of courses and subjects aimed at equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and support individuals with special needs. These courses include both theoretical and practical studies in the field of special education. Additionally, practical training in schools or related institutions is included.
You will attain this degree after completing all necessary courses, passing exams, and submitting a graduation project or thesis. Upon completion of your studies and obtaining your degree, you’ll be qualified to work in various educational and social settings.
Undergraduate Coursework in Special Education in Turkey
The coursework in undergraduate special education programs in Turkish universities varies from one institution to another and depending on the specialization within special education. However, programs in this field include a set of core and elective courses such as:
– Introduction to Multiple Disabilities: Providing an overview of multiple disabilities, their history, significance, as well as the primary issues and challenges in this field.
– Educational Psychology: Focusing on the psychological and behavioral factors of individuals with special needs and methods to interact with them.
– Service Delivery in Special Education: Addressing methods and strategies used to provide support and education to individuals with special needs.
– Supporting Learning: Concentrating on assisting individuals with learning difficulties to progress in their learning and development.
– Assessment and Diagnosis in Special Education: Teaching how to assess the needs and progress of individuals with special needs and how to analyze data for improving education.
– E-Learning and Educational Technology: Discussing the use of technology in special education and adapting technological tools to meet the needs of individuals with special needs.
– Education of Gifted Individuals with Disabilities.
– Early Intervention in Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities.
– Development of Atypical Children.
– Early Education for Special Needs.
– Designing Programs in Special Education.
– Learning Disabilities.
– Special Communication Means.
– Vocational Rehabilitation.
– Inclusion and Education of Special Needs in Public Schools.
– Physical and Health Disabilities.
– General Biology for Disabilities.
– Visual Impairment.
– Hearing Impairment.
– Speech and Language Disorders.
– Intellectual Disability.
– Introduction to Psychological Counseling.
– Behavior Disorders.
– Teaching Methods in Special Education.
– Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
– Behavior Building and Modification.
– Body Functions and Disability.
– Introduction to Special Education.
– Autism.
– hysical and Health Disabilities.
– Speech and Language Disorders.
– Educational Computing.
– Educational Curricula in Special Education.
Practical Training: Often, students are required to undergo practical training in special education schools or institutions as part of their study program.
The selection of coursework depends on the student’s interests and specific specialization within special education major.
The platform Alemni Shokran can help you identify the best specialization in special education, as it gathers all this information in one place.
Requirements for Studying Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education in Turkish Universities
The requirements for studying a bachelor’s degree in special education in Turkey vary from one university to another, according to each university’s policies. However, some common requirements include:
Passing the Entrance Exam (YKS): Foreign students must pass the Entrance Exam (YKS) conducted by the Evaluation and Testing Authority for Education in Turkey (ÖSYM) as part of the admission process.
This exam includes tests in mathematics, science, literature, and social sciences based on the desired specialization.
High School Diploma or Equivalent: Students must provide a recognized copy of their high school diploma or its equivalent.
Turkish Language Proficiency: If Turkish is not your native language, you may need to pass a Turkish language test such as TOMER to prove your proficiency in the language.
English Language Proficiency: You might need to pass the TOEFL or IELTS if the study is conducted in English.
Success Level: Students must achieve competitive scores in the Entrance Exam to gain admission to the special education program at the chosen university.
Additional Documents: Universities may also require additional documents such as a resume, recommendation letters, and a personal interview.
Foreign students interested in studying in Turkey should verify the admission requirements specific to the university they intend to apply to. These requirements can vary from one university to another. Alemni Shokran can assist with this by compiling all this information in one place.
Job Opportunities for Bachelor’s Degree Graduates in Special Education:
Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in special education can find job opportunities in a variety of sectors and institutions providing services to individuals with special needs.
Here are some special education job roles:
– Work in Government and Private Schools: Graduates of special education can work as special education teachers in public or private schools, providing support and education to children with special needs in an educational environment.
– Work in Charitable Organizations and NGOs: Many NGOs and charitable associations provide services and support to individuals with special needs. Graduates of special education can work in these institutions as teachers or counselors.
– Work in Medical Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers: Some graduates work in medical treatment centers as special education specialists, supporting individuals with special needs in regaining and enhancing their skills.
– Special Education Consultants: Graduates can work as consultants in special education, providing advice and support to families and individuals with special needs.
– Research and Development: Some graduates work in research and development to improve special education methods, materials, and technologies.
– Training and Continuous Education Work: Some graduates offer training courses and workshops in special education for teachers and other professionals.
– Work in the Private Sector: Some companies and institutions in the private sector provide special education services and may require teachers and consultants in this field.
-Translators for the Hearing Impaired.
– Trainers for Individuals with Special Needs.
– Physical Education Teachers.
– School Counselors.
– Physical Therapists.
– Coordinators of Educational Programs for Special Education Cases.
-Home Teaching.
These job opportunities demonstrate the diverse paths graduates in special education can pursue. Hopefully, this translation helps convey the detailed nature of the field and the range of opportunities available for those pursuing a degree in special education.
The Master’s Degree in Special Education in Turkey
The Master’s degree is an advanced academic stage in Special Education major offered by Turkish universities, allowing students to expand their knowledge and enhance their skills in Special Education.
Typically, a Master’s program lasts around two years, but the duration can vary between universities.
Courses in the Master’s program in Special Education in Turkey cover a wide range of subjects, depending on the university and the chosen study program. Some of the key courses include:
– Educational Research
– Curriculum Foundations
– Computer Applications in Education
– Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education
– Educational Statistics
– English Language Readings in Education
– Applied Behavioral Analysis
– Assessment Methods and Diagnosis of Intellectual Disabilities
– Educational Programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
– Assessment Methods and Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties
– Educational Programs for Individuals with Learning Difficulties
– Collaborative Work and Services
– Assessment Methods and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
– Educational Programs for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
– Special Education Program Management
– Early Intervention
– Research Project
Requirements for studying in the Master’s program in Special Education in Turkey include:
– Bachelor’s Degree: Students must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education or a related field such as Educational Psychology, Social Sciences, Psychology, Education, or similar.
– Grade Point Average (GPA): Providing a transcript of your Bachelor’s degree grades may be required, and some universities may have specific GPA requirements for admission to the Master’s program.
– Language Proficiency Exam: If Turkish is not your native language, you might need to pass a Turkish language test or an English language test (such as TOEFL or IELTS), depending on the language of instruction in the program.
– Admission Documents: Additional documents like your CV, recommendation letters, and a research plan are usually required.
– Admission Exam (YDS/YÖKDİL): Some Turkish universities may require passing a specific admission exam like YDS or YÖKDİL, which are foreign language exams for higher education institutions.
– Interview: In some cases, there might be a personal interview or an additional admission test.
Job opportunities available for graduates with a Master’s degree in Special Education encompass various sectors and institutions, expanding beyond roles available to Bachelor’s degree holders. Some of these opportunities include:
– Therapists and Specialists: Graduates can work as therapists such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, or behavioral therapists, providing assessment and treatment services for individuals with special needs.
– Supervision and Special Education Management: Graduates can take on supervisory and managerial roles in schools or special education programs, involving program management, resource organization, guidance for teachers, and other professionals.
– University Teaching: With a Master’s degree, graduates can pursue further academic study and teach Special Education at universities and colleges.
– Entrepreneurship: Some graduates choose to start their own businesses or work as freelancers, offering assessment and training services for individuals with special needs and their families.
– Work in International Organizations.
These are just some of the employment opportunities for Master’s graduates in Special Education. It’s essential to review the local job market and consider personal interests to choose a career path that suits individual preferences.
The Turkish universities that offer Special Education programs in Turkey:
– Yeditepe University.
– Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.
– Maltepe University.
– Ege University.
– Marmara University.
– Ankara University.
– Istanbul University.
– Hasan Kalyoncu University.
– Kultur University in Istanbul.
– Hitit University.
– Gaziantep University.
– 19 May University.
– Yildirim Beyazit University in Ankara.
– Galatasaray University in Istanbul.
– Inonu University.
– Bogazici University in Istanbul.
– Ataturk University.
– Okan University in Istanbul.
Along with Alemni Shokran platform, for providing comprehensive information about studying Special Education in Turkish universities. We’ll guide you through all the application methods and steps. Just reach out and register now.