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Best Accredited Universities in Turkey in Arab Countries

Best Accredited Universities in Turkey in Arab Countries, enjoy a global reputation and wide recognition in many Arab countries, thanks to their continuous scientific development, both in public and private sectors. 

الجامعات المعتمدة في تركيا

A List of the Best Accredited Universities in Turkey in Arab Countries

Best Accredited Universities in Turkey in Arab Countries

enjoy a global reputation and wide recognition in many Arab countries, thanks to their continuous scientific development, both in public and private sectors.
Turkish universities have made notable progress in various fields, enabling them to rank highly in global classifications, thanks to their modern teaching methods and advanced features.
In this article, we will provide a brief introduction to the meaning of university recognition and the necessary conditions for universities to be accredited.
We will then present a list of the most prominent accredited universities in Turkey in some Arab countries, so you can explore more details about these leading institutions.
What is University Recognition and What Are Its Main Conditions?
University recognition is an official acknowledgment that the degrees issued by a particular university are credible and accredited, meeting the quality standards set by the Higher Education Council or the Ministry of Higher Education in the respective country, according to the applicable system.
For any university to obtain recognition, it must be licensed by the country in which it is located. This licensing includes obtaining various financial, legal, security, and municipal approvals, according to the conditions specified by each relevant authority.
It is important to note that accreditation bodies in the Ministries of Higher Education do not consider any university accredited or recognized unless it receives an accreditation decision from the Higher Education Council in the country where it is registered and licensed.
A university cannot apply for recognition outside the borders of its home country until after its first batch of students graduates, at least five years after its establishment.
The process of obtaining recognition or accreditation may take several years.
Turkish Universities Accredited in Arab Countries
Arab countries that recognize Turkish universities and accept the equivalence of their degrees can be divided into two main categories:
– Countries that accept the equivalence of foreign degrees once the university is accredited and has received official licensing in its home country: Countries like Egypt, Lebanon, and Yemen fall into this category, where Turkish universities are recognized.
– Countries that issue lists of recommended foreign universities according to specific criteria and only accept the equivalence of degrees issued by them: Below is a list showing the Arab countries that follow this approach and the Turkish universities they recommend.
Accredited Universities in Turkey in Arab Countries for 2024
Turkey boasts several universities with accreditations in Arab countries. Here are some of the notable universities and countries:
Accredited Turkish Universities in Saudi Arabia
– Istanbul Technical University (İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi)
– Boğaziçi University (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi)
– Middle East Technical University (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi)
– Hacettepe University (Hacettepe Üniversitesi)
– Gazi University (Gazi Üniversitesi)
– Istanbul University (İstanbul Üniversitesi)
– Ankara University (Ankara Üniversitesi)
– Eskişehir Osmangazi University (Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi)
– Atatürk University (Atatürk Üniversitesi)
– Turkish Aeronautical Association University (Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi)
– Fatih University (Fatih Üniversitesi)
– Başkent University (Başkent Üniversitesi)
– Dicle University (Dicle Üniversitesi)
– Dokuz Eylül University (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi)
– Ege University (Ege Üniversitesi)
Accredited Turkish Universities in Kuwait
– Middle East Technical University (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi)
– Istanbul University (İstanbul Üniversitesi)
– Gazi University (Gazi Üniversitesi
– Boğaziçi University (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi)
– Ankara University (Ankara Üniversitesi)
– Istanbul Technical University (İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi)
– Atatürk University (Atatürk Üniversitesi)
– Fatih University (Fatih Üniversitesi)
– Başkent University (Başkent Üniversitesi)
– Sabancı University (Sabancı Üniversitesi)
– Istanbul Commerce University (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi)
Some Accredited Turkish Universities in Egypt
– Amasya University
– Anadolu University
– Ankara University
– Gazi University
– Gaziantep University
– Gaziosmanpaşa University
– Gebze Institute of Technology
– Istanbul University
– Istanbul Medeniyet University
– Istanbul Technical University
– Izmir Katip Çelebi University
– Bosphorus University
– Bozok University
– Bursa Technical University
– Celal Bayar University
– Cumhuriyet University
– Ege University
– Azerbaijan University
– Erzurum Technical University
– Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Accredited Turkish Universities in Libya
– Üsküdar University
– Özyeğin University
– Okan University
– Kadir Has University
– Istanbul Kultur University
– Istanbul Aydın University
– Altinbaş University
– Bilkent University
– Bahçeşehir University
– Atilim University
– Koç University
– Sabancı University
– Ankara University
– Istanbul University
– Adana Science and Technology University
Prominent Accredited Turkish Universities in Tunisia
– Okan University
– Gulf University
– Ishik University
– Bilkent University
– Yeni Yuzyil University
– Medipol Istanbul University
– Istanbul Technical University
– Ankara University
– Erdogan University
Prominent Accredited Turkish Universities in Jordan
– Bilkent University
– Bogazici University
– Istanbul University
– Middle East Technical University
– Ankara University
– Hacettepe University
– Koç University
– Sabancı University
– Atatürk University
– Marmara University
– Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
– Izmir University of Economics
– Marmara University
– Yeditepe University
– Okan University
– Atılım University
– Cukurova University
– Selcuk University
– Uludag University
– Dogus University
– Bahçeşehir University
– Yaşar University
– Pamukkale University
Prominent Accredited Turkish Universities in Palestine
– Boğaziçi University
– Middle East Technical University (METU)
– Istanbul University
– Ankara University
– Hacettepe University
– Istanbul Technical University
– Bilkent University
– Koç University
– Sabancı University
– Gazi University
– Marmara University
– Izmir Institute of Technology
– Doğuş University
– Bahçeşehir University
– Atılım University
– Selçuk University
– Cukurova University
Prominent Accredited Turkish Universities in Qatar
– Yıldız Technical University
– Eskişehir Osmangazi University
– Ege University
– Karadeniz Technical University
– Dokuz Eylül University
– Mustafa Kemal University
– Maltepe University
– Istanbul Aydın University
– Nişantaşı University
– Yeditepe University
– Üsküdar University
– Istanbul Bilgi University
– Altınbaş University
– Istanbul Medipol University
Prominent Accredited Turkish Universities in Syria
– Başkent University
– Al-Biruni University
– Cag University
– Çankaya University
– Gulf University
– Ishik University
– Bilgi University
– Kultur University
– Kadir Has University
– Koç University
– Sabancı University
– Maltepe University
– Top Economics and Technology University
– Yeditepe University
– Yıldız Technical University
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