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Islamic Sciences Major

Islamic Sciences major prepares its students for a future in Sharia studies by understanding the religion through various subjects such as Quranic interpretation, principles of jurisprudence, hadith studies, and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad.

Islamic Sciences Major

Islamic Sciences Major and the Future of Sharia Studies in Turkish Universities
The Islamic Sciences major prepares its students for a future in Sharia studies by understanding the religion through various subjects such as Quranic interpretation, principles of jurisprudence, hadith studies, and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad.
What are the Majors in Islamic Sciences?
Quranic Studies: This major focuses on studying the Quran from various aspects, including interpretation and Quranic sciences.
Hadith Studies: This field is dedicated to the study of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, including their sources and analytical techniques.
Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh): This involves the study of Islamic legal rulings and the foundational principles of Islamic law.
Islamic Creed and Philosophy: This covers the study of Islamic beliefs, Islamic philosophy, and various Islamic philosophical schools.
Islamic History: This major examines the history of Islam, Islamic civilization, and its impact on the world.
Arabic Language: This includes the study of Arabic language, its sciences, literature, and poetry.
Other majors include Islamic politics, Islamic architecture, and Sufism.
How to Start Studying Islamic Jurisprudence?
Determine Your Educational Level: Assess your current knowledge in Islamic Sciences. Do you have a background in Islamic jurisprudence?
Decide on Enrollment: Choose whether you want to join an institute or university for Islamic studies or look for online educational programs.
Research Accredited Institutions: Look for accredited educational institutions that offer programs in Islamic studies and Islamic jurisprudence, such as universities in Turkey.
Register for a Program: Enroll in the chosen educational program, checking admission requirements and associated costs. You can easily do this through platforms like Alemni Shokran.
Complete Courses and Exams: Successfully complete the courses and examinations to earn a degree in Islamic studies.
Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Sciences in Turkey
A Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Sciences in Turkey is one of the most prestigious qualifications.
It provides essential knowledge in jurisprudence, Quranic interpretation, the biography of the Prophet, Arabic language, and many other topics related to Islam.
Obtaining this degree is a significant step towards achieving one’s goals in serving their religion and community, enhancing their status and respect in society.
Subjects in the Bachelor’s Program in Islamic Sciences in Turkey
The Quran: Students learn the rules of recitation and tajweed for proper Quran reading.
Quranic Interpretation: This subject qualifies students for a future in Sharia studies by understanding the meanings of Quranic verses.
Hadith Studies: Students learn how to analyze hadiths and differentiate between authentic and weak narrations.
Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh): This subject is based on prophetic stances related to various jurisprudential issues.
Principles of Jurisprudence: This foundational subject teaches students how to derive different legal rulings.
Prophetic Biography (Seerah): Introduces students to the life of the Prophet Muhammad to derive prophetic traditions and study Sharia.
Islamic History: Students learn about the companions of the Prophet and the conditions of Muslims in previous eras.
Islamic Arts: Students explore how Islam influenced the culture of civilizations.
Oratory Skills: This subject aims to enhance students’ social communication skills and methods of persuasion.
Logic: Students learn to think critically and argue logically to support their faith and beliefs.
Arabic Language: Islamic Sciences students learn various branches of the Arabic language, including grammar, morphology, rhetoric, and literature.
Preaching and Guidance: Prepares students for a future in Sharia by equipping them with the skills to guide others with good words.
Admission Requirements for a Bachelor’s in Islamic Sciences in Turkey
High School GPA: Some Turkish universities require a minimum high school GPA of 4 out of 5, 8 out of 10, or an overall success rate above 80%.
High School Diploma: A copy of the high school diploma or its equivalent, along with a transcript.
Translation of Documents: The high school diploma and transcript must be translated into English or Turkish and authenticated by a Turkish embassy or consulate.
Identification Documents: A copy of the passport or ID showing the student’s name, date of birth, issuance and expiry dates
(expired documents are not accepted).
Photographs: Four recent photos (4.5 x 6 cm) taken within the last eight months.
Language Proficiency: Applicants to programs taught exclusively in English or Turkish must provide a certified document proving their proficiency, such as TOEFL or IELTS scores, or enroll in a preparatory language course if needed.
University Entrance Exam: Students must pass the university’s entrance exam, which typically includes general religious questions about the Prophet’s biography and the Quran.
Original Documents: Original copies of all documents must be presented upon acceptance.
Accuracy of Information: Ensure all submitted information is accurate to avoid rejection of the application.
By following these guidelines, prospective students can successfully enroll in and complete a Bachelor’s program in Islamic Sciences in Turkey, paving the way for a fulfilling career in Sharia studies.
What is the Imam and Khateeb Scholarship?
The Imam and Khateeb Scholarship in Turkey is a grant provided by the Turkish government to imams and preachers working in mosques and religious institutions in Turkey.
The aim of this scholarship is to enhance the level of imams and preachers and provide specialized education and training opportunities for them.
The scholarship includes courses in the Quran, jurisprudence, hadith, Islamic preaching, and other relevant fields.
Employment opportunities available for graduates with a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Sciences:
Fatwa Issuer: Aspiring students seeking a future in Sharia studies can submit their papers to the Fatwa Department to work alongside a select group of scholars who clarify religious opinions and rulings on matters requiring interpretation.
Sharia Notary: Graduates of Islamic Sharia studies in Turkey work in this position, responsible for issuing marriage contracts and divorce papers.
Judge: Graduates may pursue entry into the judiciary, where they can serve as arbitrators in dispute resolution or judges issuing Sharia rulings.
Teacher: Graduates who have completed Sharia studies can become teachers in schools and Azhar institutes to prepare students for a future in Sharia studies.
Preacher: Some graduates of Sharia colleges choose to work in centers for spreading Islamic teachings and religion.
Mosque Imam: A graduate of Islamic studies leads people in prayers, delivers sermons on Fridays, or teaches lessons after each prayer. They may also serve as the mosque’s muezzin.
Academic Researcher: Graduates of Islamic Sciences contribute to the development and dissemination of Sharia
Quran Memorizer: A graduate from a university of Islamic Sciences in Turkey can memorize the Quran for both children and adults, teaching them interpretation and recitation.
Media Personnel: Some graduates see a future for Sharia major in their ability to work in television stations and radio channels to address religious inquiries.
Sharia Advisor in Islamic Banks: The future of Sharia major involves utilizing expertise in banking sectors.
Graduates can work in Islamic banks as Sharia advisors, clarifying religious opinions on banking transactions.
Hajj and Umrah Supervisor: Islamic Studies students oversee activities related to the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia.
Religious Publications Reviewer: Publishing companies employ graduates of Sharia colleges to review religious texts before printing books.
List of Universities offering Islamic Sciences:
Atatürk University: The university offers a program for studying Islamic Sciences in Turkish with Arabic, requiring knowledge of Turkish or a year of Turkish language study.
Recently, the college introduced a program where courses are taught only in Arabic, eliminating the requirement for Turkish proficiency.
Istanbul University: The Faculty of Islamic Sciences prepares its students for Sharia
major through two departments: General Religious Sciences and Worldly and Religious Philosophy.
Students study their courses in Arabic and the university offers free scholarships to the first 5000 students graduating with high honors for their entire lives.
Sabah Al-Din Zaim University: Students studying Islamic Sciences at this university cover 70% of their subjects in Turkish and 30% in Arabic. In 2014, a program was added where all subjects are taught in Arabic at 100%.
Necmettin Erbakan University: The college started developing programs for studying Sharia in both Turkish and English languages, and recently added a program solely in Arabic to achieve an impressive vision for Sharia’s future.
Istanbul 29 May University: The university prepares its students for Sharia major by providing partially or fully funded programs in Islamic Sciences, with 70% of the materials available in Turkish and 30% in Arabic.
Dreaming of studying Islamic Sciences in Turkey and pursuing a future in Sharia? At Alemni Shokran, we’re capable of guiding you towards the major you desire.
We offer full support during your journey of choosing the university you wish to attend. Contact us and register your papers now.

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