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Aviation Management Major

Aviation Management focuses on the administration and organization of aviation companies and institutions, including airlines, airports, and related organizations.

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Your Academic Guide to Studying Aviation Management in Turkish Universities
Introduction to Aviation Management
Aviation Management focuses on the administration and organization of aviation companies and institutions, including airlines, airports, and related organizations.
Overview of Aviation Management
History of Aviation Management in Turkey
Aviation Management has emerged in Turkish universities in recent years, with many universities now offering this program due to the growing demand for professionals in the aviation industry.
Number of Students Studying Aviation Management in Turkey
In 2020, Istanbul Aydın University reported having over 200 students enrolled in Civil Aviation Management.
Overall, the number of students studying Aviation Management in Turkey ranges in the hundreds, possibly thousands.
Advantages of Studying Aviation Management in Turkey
High-Quality Education: Turkish universities have a strong reputation for providing advanced and globally recognized Aviation Management programs.
Promising Career Opportunities: Graduates can pursue promising careers in both civil and military aviation sectors, domestically and internationally, as this industry is continuously growing.
Language Proficiency: Most programs in Turkey encourage proficiency in both Turkish and English, which is crucial for international aviation management.
Vibrant Student Life: Turkish universities offer a dynamic student environment rich in cultural and sports activities.
Experienced Faculty: Professors in Turkish aviation programs often have extensive practical experience.
Practical Training Programs: Some Turkish universities provide practical training opportunities at airports and aviation
Graduate Programs: Several Turkish universities offer postgraduate programs in Aviation Management.
Advanced Certifications: You can obtain advanced certifications to help progress in your career.
Studying Aviation Management in Turkey offers students a chance to receive a high-quality education and exceptional job opportunities in this ever-growing industry.
Is Studying Aviation Management in Turkey Affordable?
Yes, the cost of studying Aviation Management in Turkey is relatively low compared to many other countries, especially Western countries.
Additionally, some Turkish universities offer scholarships and discounts for outstanding students, further reducing costs.
Thus, Turkey is a preferred destination for international students seeking a high-quality education in Aviation Management at a reasonable cost.
For more information, contact us at Alemni Shokran.
Requirements for Studying Aviation Management in Turkey
Undergraduate Admission Requirements
-High school diploma or equivalent with acceptable grades as per the chosen university’s requirements.
-Passing the Turkish university entrance exam (YÖS) or an internationally recognized test (SAT, ACT, IB).
-Proficiency in Turkish or English, as most Civil Aviation programs are taught in English, requiring good language skills proven by international certificates like IELTS or TOEFL.
-Submission of required documents such as passport copy, photos, CV, motivation letter, etc.
-In some cases, a personal interview or additional aptitude test may be required.
Master’s Admission Requirements
– A bachelor’s degree in a related field such as Aviation Science, Aerospace Engineering, Economics, Business Administration, or similar, with a good GPA.
– English proficiency test scores (TOEFL minimum 600 or IELTS minimum 6.5).
– Passing the Turkish university entrance exam for graduate studies (ALES) or international exams like GRE or GMAT for English-taught programs.
– Submission of documents like CV and recommendation letters.
– Some universities may require a well-written and convincing statement of purpose explaining your desire to pursue a master’s in Civil Aviation Management.
For detailed and updated admission requirements, contact us at Alemni Shokran.
Duration and Coursework for Aviation Management in Turkish Universities
Undergraduate Degree Duration
The undergraduate program in Aviation Management typically takes 4 to 5 years to complete, depending on the university and the specific program.
Undergraduate Coursework
– Introduction to Aviation Management
– Mathematics and Statistics
– Business Administration
– Marketing and Advertising
– Aviation Law
– Aviation Economics
– Flight Operations and Scheduling
– Fundamentals of Aviation and Air Transportation
– Aviation Safety and Security
– Air Navigation Systems
Master’s Degree Duration
The master’s program in Aviation Management usually takes between 2 to 3 years to complete.
Master’s Coursework
– Aviation Operations Management
– Air Transport Economics
– Aviation Law
– Aviation Safety and Security
– Human Resources Management in Airlines
– Flight Planning and Scheduling
– Airport Management
– Aviation Policies and Regulations
– IT in Aviation
– Operations Research in Air Transport
– Aviation Supply Chain Management
– Aviation Technical Communications and Systems
– Environmental and Sustainability Studies in Aviation
Career Opportunities for Aviation Management Graduates
For Bachelor’s Degree Holders
1.Various departments in airlines, such as:
– Flight Operations Management
– Marketing and Sales
– Customer Service
– Human Resources Management
– Planning and Scheduling
2,Airport roles, such as:
– Airport Management
– Airport Operations
– Security and Safety
– Passenger Services
3.Ground services companies at airports, like catering, transportation, and cargo handling companies.
4.Travel agencies specializing in flight bookings.
5.Companies managing airports and airfields, which are highly demanded in the job market.
6.Civil aviation authorities and organizations.
7.Aircraft leasing companies and maintenance firms.
For Master’s Degree Holders
1.Senior management positions in airlines, such as:
– Aviation Operations Manager
– Scheduling Manager
– Security and Safety Manager
– Other executive roles
2.Regulatory, supervisory, and planning roles in government aviation authorities.
3.Consultants or experts in aviation management for consulting firms.
4.Leadership positions in airport management, such as:
– Airport Director
– Airport Operations Director
– Quality Director
5.Teaching and training roles in aviation management institutes.
6.Planning, marketing, and research roles in aircraft manufacturing companies.
7.Managerial and planning positions in air cargo and air transport companies.
8.Policy and regulatory roles in transportation ministries or related agencies.
9.Freelance consultants and analysts in aviation research and studies.
The future of Aviation Management looks very promising, with increasing demand for graduates in this field.
Languages for Studying Aviation Management in Turkey
Aviation Management programs in Turkey are available in English, with many universities offering both undergraduate and master’s programs in this language.
Additionally, some programs may be offered in Turkish, requiring good proficiency in Turkish for admission.
List of Turkish Universities Offering Aviation Management

  1. Istanbul Technical University
  2. Bilkent University
  3. Yıldız Technical University
  4. Jalaluddin Rumi University
  5. Boğaziçi University

Register now and contact us at Alemni Shokran for a valuable opportunity to secure admission for a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Aviation Management at Turkish universities.
We provide the necessary guidance and support to professionally prepare your academic file, with assistance from experts in Turkish education.

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