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Justice Studies

The field of justice studies focuses on examining issues related to justice and law in society, aiming to understand laws and appreciate their role in achieving justice and equality.

Justice Studies

Justice Studies
The field of justice studies focuses on examining issues related to justice and law in society, aiming to understand laws and appreciate their role in achieving justice and equality.
Overview of Justice Studies
History of Justice Studies in Turkey
The field of criminal justice emerged in Turkey in 1961 when the Higher Institute of Justice was established in the capital, Ankara.
The purpose of establishing this institute was to train qualified judges and prosecutors to work within Turkey’s judicial system.
Number of Justice Studies Students in Turkey
According to official statistics, there are approximately 20,000 students studying criminal justice in Turkey. Below are the numbers of registered students in the justice department of some Turkish universities:
– Gaziantep University: Around 200 students in the justice bachelor’s program.
– Medipol Istanbul University: Around 150 students in the justice bachelor’s program.
– Karabuk University: Around 100 students in the justice diploma program.
Benefits of Studying Justice Studies in Turkey
Studying criminology and justice in Turkey is considered one of the important disciplines that provide distinctive academic and professional opportunities. Some of the advantages of studying justice studies in Turkey include:
– University Facilities: Turkish universities have advanced infrastructure and high-quality educational facilities, providing an ideal learning environment for justice studies students.
– Faculty Members: Many faculty members in Turkish universities are highly competent and experienced in the field of law and justice, contributing to excellent and comprehensive education.
– Training Opportunities: Turkish universities provide training and practical application opportunities for justice studies students, whether through summer training programs, practical courses, or collaboration with legal and judicial institutions.
– Employment Opportunities: Due to legal updates and judicial reforms in Turkey, there are diverse employment opportunities for graduates with a degree in justice studies, whether in law firms, judiciary, prosecution, or non-governmental organizations.
In this way, justice studies in Turkey is a good option for students interested in pursuing a career in law.
Is Studying Justice Studies in Turkey Affordable?
Yes, but it cannot be said that studying justice studies in Turkey is cheap overall, as study costs vary depending on the university, city, and type of educational program.
Generally, however, study costs in Turkey are acceptable compared to some other countries, and scholarships or financial support may be available in some cases for international students.
Therefore, it is advisable to contact us to inquire about study costs and financing opportunities.
Requirements for Studying Justice Studies in Turkey
Admission requirements for educational institutes in Turkey specializing in justice studies may vary between institutes and universities.
However, there are some general requirements that usually need to be met to enroll in justice studies programs, including:
– High School Diploma or Equivalent: You usually need to have a high school diploma or its equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
– Standardized Test Scores: There may be specific standardized tests you need to pass, such as university entrance exams.
– Language Proficiency: If you intend to study in Turkish and it is not your native language, you may need to prove your proficiency in the Turkish language through recognized language tests such as TOMER, or if the institute you are applying to offers English-language instruction, you may need to pass an English language test (such as the IELTS or TOEFL).
– Official Documents: You will need to submit official documents such as birth certificates, passports, and photographs.
– Other Documents: You may also need to submit additional documents such as criminal records or other certificates according to the requirements of the educational institute, as well as recommendation letters and a resume.
– Interview or Personal Exam: Some institutes may require applicants to undergo a personal interview or oral exam to assess their skills and interests.
– Residence Permit: If you are an international student, you may need to obtain a student visa allowing you to study in Turkey.
If you would like more detailed information about admission requirements, simply contact us and we will help you with everything you need to know about this major.
What is the Acceptance Rate for Justice Studies?
The acceptance rate for justice studies varies depending on several factors, including:
– The University or Institute: Each university or institute sets its own admission criteria, including the required cumulative grade point average in high school.
– Study Branch: Admission requirements may vary between different branches, such as scientific and literary branches.
– Academic Year: Admission requirements may vary from year to year, depending on the number of applicants for the major.
In general, the acceptance rate for justice studies at Turkish universities ranges between 60% and 80%.
Duration of Justice Studies in Turkey and Coursework
Duration of Justice Studies at Educational Institutes in Turkey
The duration of studying criminal law and criminology at educational institutes in Turkey varies depending on the type of institute and program:
Vocational Schools:
– Professional Certificate Program: One year.
– Professional Diploma Program: Two years.
Schools of Social Sciences:
– Associate Degree Program: Two years.
– Bachelor’s Degree Program: Four years.
In general, the duration of justice studies at educational institutes in Turkey ranges from one year to four years.
Coursework in Justice Studies at Educational Institutes in Turkey
The coursework included in justice studies programs at educational institutes in Turkey may vary from one institute to another, and typically lasts for two years.
Some general examples of courses that may be taught at justice institutes include:
– Principles of Law: Study of fundamental law concepts and principles.
– Criminal Law: Analysis of crimes, penalties, and legal procedures in criminal law and criminology.
– Civil Law: Focuses on studying contracts, civil liabilities, property rights, and related laws.
– Constitutional Law: Analyzes constitutions, governance systems, constitutional rights, and freedoms.
– International Law: Study of international relations, international agreements, and principles of international law.
– Ethics and Justice: Discussion of ethical issues and professional ethics in the field of law and justice.
– Legal Procedures: This subject deals with the analysis of court procedures and how law is enforced in legal systems.
– Criminal Psychology: Includes the study of applied psychology in criminal law.
– Data Analysis and Statistics: Includes studying how to use data analysis and statistics tools in studying legal issues.
– Research Project in Justice Studies: Application of research and analysis skills to a research project related to a legal or criminological issue.
– Legislation.
– Criminal Procedures.
– Public Law.
– Forensic Medicine.
– Financial Legislation.
– Legal Education.
– Business Management.
– Lawyer and Notary Law.
– Private Law.
 Career Opportunities for Justice Studies Graduates
Justice studies graduates can find diverse employment opportunities in several sectors, and some of the most important job roles include:
Legal Assistants: Graduates specializing in justice studies can work as legal assistants for lawyers or law firms to provide legal support and prepare legal documents.
Employees in the Prosecutor’s Office: Graduates can work in prosecutor’s offices where they review criminal cases and provide legal guidance.
Corrections Officers: Working in the prison system and correctional institutions to manage and monitor prisoners, and enforce laws and regulations.
Judges and Judicial Assistants: After passing the necessary exams and qualifications, graduates can become judges or judicial assistants.
Clerkships: Working as clerkships in courts and assisting in court proceedings.
Police and Law Enforcement Officers: Working in law enforcement and applying the law as police officers or investigators.
Lawyers: After passing the bar exam, graduates can become lawyers and represent clients in legal cases.
Legal Support Services Employees: Working in institutions that provide legal support services to the public.
Law and Policy Managers: Working in government and non-profit sectors to develop and implement legal policies and
Legal Consultants: Providing legal consultations to individuals and companies in areas such as business, real estate, and family law.
These opportunities depend on the individual’s level of education, experience, and personal skills acquired after graduation.
List of Turkish Institutes Offering Justice Studies:

  1. Oğuzeli Vocational Institute at Gaziantep University.
  2. Vocational Institute of Justice at Medipol Istanbul University.
  3. Vocational Institute at Hasan Kalyoncu University in Gaziantep.
  4. Vocational Institute at Tarsus University in Mersin.
  5. Vocational Institute of Justice at Karabük University.

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