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Political Science and Public Administration Major

Political Science and Public Administration Major in Turkey focuses on studying political systems, public policies, international relations, political theories.

تخصص العلوم السياسية والإدارة العامة

Everything You Need to Study Political Science and Public Administration in Turkey
Political Science and Public Administration Major in Turkey focuses on studying political systems, public policies, international relations, political theories, political analysis, and principles of public administration.
Political Science Majors:
– International Politics
– Political Theory
– Governance and Public Policies
– International Relations
– Behavioral and Electoral Politics
– Public Policy and Public Administration
– Diplomacy and Institutional Relations
– Environmental Policy
– Conflict, Peace, and International Security
– Public Policy and Crisis Management
Overview of Political Science Studies in Turkey
The teaching of Political Science and Public Administration in Turkey dates back to the late 19th century, with the establishment of the School of Public Administration in 1886.
Later merged with the Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in 1935 to form the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
Over subsequent decades, similar departments were established at other Turkish universities such as Ankara University, Middle East Technical University, and Bogazici University.
These programs have evolved significantly over time to reflect political, social, and economic changes in the country.
There has been increasing emphasis on comparative political science, international relations, modern public administration, and public policies.
Number of Students Studying Political Science in Turkey
The number of students enrolled in Political Science and Public Administration programs in Turkey ranges between 50,000 and 100,000.
Advantages of Studying Political Science in Turkey
– High-Quality Education: Turkish universities offer distinguished educational programs with comprehensive curricula covering various aspects of political science and public administration such as political analysis, international relations, and
public policies, providing students with integrated and in-depth education.
– Career Opportunities: Studying this major in Turkey opens wide career opportunities in fields like diplomacy, government administration, political analysis, and media, enhancing graduates’ chances of securing prestigious jobs within Turkey and abroad.
– Cultural Diversity and Study Environment: Turkey boasts a rich and culturally diverse study environment where students from around the world converge, facilitating cultural exchange, idea sharing, and international communication.
– Modern Infrastructure: Turkish universities are equipped with state-of-the-art educational and technological facilities, supporting students in gaining a superior educational experience and fostering their academic and professional development.
– Networking Opportunities: Turkish universities organize numerous events and activities related to political science and public administration, such as conferences, seminars, and lectures, allowing students to interact with experts from around the world, benefit from their experiences, and build valuable connections.
Is Studying Political Science in Turkey Affordable?
Generally, studying Political Science and Public Administration in Turkey is relatively affordable compared to many other countries, especially Western countries like the USA, UK, and Australia.
For more information on study costs, choosing the right university, and necessary procedures, we recommend contacting us at Alemni Shokran, where we provide the necessary support and guidance to assist you in the application process.
Admission Requirements for Studying Political Science in Turkey
Undergraduate Admission Requirements:
– High School Diploma: Students must have a high school diploma with a minimum GPA of 70% for public universities, while some private universities may accept lower GPAs up to 50%.
– University Entrance Exam: Many public universities require passing the Turkish University Entrance Exam (YÖS) or SAT, with an acceptable score.
– Language Proficiency: For programs taught in Turkish, a proficiency certificate in Turkish (e.g., TÖMER) is required. For programs in English, a proficiency certificate in English (e.g., TOEFL or IELTS) or passing the university’s language test is necessary.
– Required Documents: Application documents include a passport, personal photos, high school transcripts, language proficiency certificate, admission test results, and recommendation letters.
Master’s Admission Requirements:
– Bachelor’s Degree: Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Public Administration, or a related field.
– Language Proficiency: Universities require proof of English or Turkish language proficiency through tests like TOEFL or IELTS for English programs or a Turkish proficiency test.
– Academic Record: Applicants must submit their academic transcripts, translated if not in Turkish or English.
– Recommendation Letters: Universities may require recommendation letters from academic professors or supervisors.
– Statement of Purpose: Applicants need to write a personal statement outlining their master’s study goals and how the program will contribute to achieving these goals.
– Admission Test: Some universities may require additional admission tests or personal interviews as part of the admission process.
Ph.D. Admission Requirements:
– Master’s Degree: Applicants must hold a master’s degree in Social Sciences, Humanities, or related fields from a recognized university.
– Academic Record: Universities require applicants to have a good academic record in their master’s studies.
– Research Proposal: Applicants must submit a research proposal detailing their intended research topic during the Ph.D.
program, its significance, and expected outcomes.
– Academic and Research Experience: Preference is given to applicants with previous academic and research experience, including publications in scientific journals or participation in academic conferences.
Duration of Political Science Studies in Turkish Universities and Coursework
Bachelor’s Degree Duration:
The duration of undergraduate studies in Political Science in Turkey is typically four years, spread over eight semesters.
Studies may extend to five years if students need a preparatory year to learn Turkish or English, in case they do not possess a language proficiency certificate.
Undergraduate Coursework:
– Introduction to Political Science: Focuses on the foundations and concepts of Political Science, definitions of power and state, and theoretical frameworks for political analysis.
– Introduction to Comparative Politics: Analyzes and compares different political systems, focusing on political structures and processes in various countries.
– Introduction to International Relations: Studies relations between states, theories of international relations, and contemporary challenges in global politics.
– Political Thought: Reviews the historical overview of political ideas from ancient times to the present, focusing on influential philosophers and theories.
– Political Systems: Includes analysis of different political systems, including democracies, authoritarian regimes, and mixed political systems.
– Political Theories: Studies various political theories and analyzes the ideas that shaped global politics.
– Political Economy: Studies the relationship between economy and politics, analyzes economic policies, and their impact on society.
– Political Sociology: Studies how social factors influence politics and how politics affect society.
– Human Rights: Focuses on studying concepts and theories related to human rights and international mechanisms for their protection.
– Diplomatic Studies: Includes studying the foundations and importance of diplomacy in international relations, and diplomatic negotiation techniques.
– International Conflicts: Focuses on analyzing the causes and evolution of international conflicts and methods of resolution.
– Public Opinion and its Formation: Studies how public opinion is shaped and its role in politics.
– International and Regional Organizations: Focuses on studying the role and impact of international and regional organizations on global politics.
Master’s Degree Duration:
Master’s studies in Political Science and Public Administration in Turkey typically take from two to three years, depending on the university and program requirements.
Master’s Degree Coursework:
– Advanced Political Theories: Studies different political theories and analyzes them in contemporary contexts.
– Public Administration and Reforms: Focuses on studying the structure of public administration and administrative reforms in various governments.
– International Political Economy: Discusses how politics interacts with the economy at the international level and the impact of economic policies on international relations.
– Modern International Relations: Covers the history and development of international relations and foreign policies of states.
– International Security: Covers issues of national and international security, including cyber security, terrorism, and military threats.
– International Law and International Organizations: Focuses on studying international law and the role of international organizations in the global system.
– Public Policies and Analysis: Focuses on analyzing public policies and evaluating their impact on societies and states.
Ph.D. Degree Duration:
Ph.D. studies in Political Science typically range from 4 to 6 years, divided into eight semesters.
The first two years focus on attending lectures and studying scientific materials, while the last two years involve working on the research project and writing the thesis.
Ph.D. Degree Coursework:
– Advanced International Relations Theory: Focuses on studying different theories in international relations, such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism, applying these theories to contemporary international events and policies.
– Advanced Comparative Politics: Covers methodologies and tools for comparing different political systems and analyzing them, including the study of democracies, authoritarian systems, and political transitions.
– Strategic Public Administration: This course studies strategic management in public administration, strategic planning in the public sector, crisis management, and public policies.
– Scientific Research and Design: This course aims to develop students’ skills in scientific research, focusing on methodology, research design, and data analysis.
For more information about studying Political Science and Public Administration in Turkey and help with university applications, contact us at Alemni Shokran and submit your documents now.

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